Berlin Public Library Newsletter November 9th

Changes to library hours this week

Click here to see all upcoming programs and register. Registrations help us plan our space and materials appropriately for all of our programs.

This week at the library

The library will be closed on Monday November 11th, in observance of Veteran’s Day. There is no story time this week.

Tuesday 11/12 @ 2pm-4pm

Adults with questions about their personal devices - How do I send emails on my phone? How can I make text messages easier to read? Where do I find ebooks? - can stop in to the library to get one on one help with their questions. Drop in anytime between 2pm and 4pm.

Tuesday 11/12 @ 6pm

Dr. Sarah Klotz will discuss the forms of writing that nations such as our Nipmuc, Narragansett, and Pequot neighbors used prior to colonization and continuing to this day to share stories and create collective meaning as a people.

Dr. Klotz is an Associate Professor of Rhetoric in the Department of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at the College of the Holy Cross. Her book Writing Their Bodies: Restoring Rhetorical Relations at the Carlisle Indian School was published in 2021 after a decade of research.

Wednesday 11/13

The library will be holding a staff meeting on Wednesday the 13th and will open late at 2pm.

Thursday 11/14 @ 4pm-6pm

Teens and tweens (Grades 6-12, or equivalent ages) are invited to join us for turmeric printmaking. 

Other Upcoming Events

November Take and Make Kits